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Daughters of Zion

This Is It...

Hello everyone! Yep, it's me again, and in this post I am finally going to announce more or less how the arty crafty sections are going to work... at last!

As you can see, nothing much has changed with the sections yet. They still look exactly the same as when you were there last time. Oh yeah. Still exactly the same.

But, behind the scenes where you can't see, things are changing. Things are developing right under your nose - and soon, they'll pop out and you'll see what they look like!

So, let me try to explain what these sections are going to look like.

First of all, the sections like Art and Needlework will mostly consist of little 'discussions' and challenges to try. Every couple of weeks we'll publish a new article relating to something in that particular category. Let's take the Art section, for example. It might look something like this (sorry for all the funny colours etc... it's still a work in progress!):

For now, in the Art section, we will only have links with discussions about something related to Art. Eventually, we hope to branch it out a bit, but for now, we will stick to this.

The Craft sections has already been started up, and it works a little bit differently. In the Craft section, we are going to be sharing ideas of things to make (like spa stuff, gifts and cards, gadgets and just fun things to try). We might share YouTube videos on craft ideas or other articles from other blogs on things to make.

Next, we'll go to the Photography section. For now, we will be focusing on a few things, similar to the Art page. We will have a discussions page talking about all things photography, techniques, camera and photography gear, and more. Eventually, when we have enough people participating with us, we'll branch it out a bit and add ideas for photography and posing ideas for portraiture.

For now, we will let the Music and Needlework sections stand in line for a little bit more - but hopefully they will be started up soon, as well!

And just one more thing...

We will have one special feature that might pop up on the Art and Photography sections every now and again - competitions!

I hope all of that made some sense and that you will be able to get a better picture on what these things will look like. Hopefully, they will all be completed soon - stay posted!

Have a blessed week!

Oh, and by the way, guests can comment now! I would really appreciate it if you could just leave your name at the end of your comment as that little detail hasn't been fixed yet... Thanks!

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Jan 09, 2022

Wow, great job getting everything up and running! Can't wait to see these new pages and help out in any way. :D


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