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A Word on the Beauty of Modesty

''Don't let your beauty be external - braiding the hair and wearing gold jewellery or fine clothes. Instead let it be in the hidden person of the heart, with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.''

1 Peter 3:3-4

Holy Coverings

The Bible talks a lot about covering. Isaiah 61:10: “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God, for He hath CLOTHED me...''

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The Beauty of Modesty

I was 16 years old when a little girl at our church asked me what the word ''modesty'' meant. I had to stop and...

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Style Ideas

Dressing in a modest, God honoring way is so exciting. There are so many styles, colours and ideas out...

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Answers in the Bible

I believe the Bible is our guideline for every aspect of life. I have always found the answer to every question in God’s Word, no matter...

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Bible Verses

1 Timothy 2:9-12

''Likewise, women are to adorn themselves in appropriate clothing with modesty and sound judgement - not in seductive hairstyles and gold or pearls or costly clothing, but what is suitable for women claiming godliness, through good deeds. Let a woman receive training in a quiet demeanour with complete respect for order. But I do not allow a woman to train or dictate to a man, but to be in a quiet demeanour.''

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